
Current projects

International Projects

  • Interreg V France-Wallonie-Vlaanderen -  Alcove - 2024-2028 Partners: CHRU-Lille, CHU-Reims, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KUL), IMT Lille Douai, Ulg Arlon, Materia-Nova, Université de Reims, UMONS, Univ. Lille (ORKAD Team), CHU Amiens, Eura-Santé

National Projects

  • PHRCI-16-089 CATOCOV (Porteur CHRU Lille - Sébastien Hulo) : Analyse des Composés Organiques Volatiles dans l'Air Exhalé comme outil diagnostique des Cancers Thoraciques

Industrial Projects

  • Madarine Academy
  • OVH

Past Projets

Interreg V France-Wallonie-Vlaanderen -  Pathacov - 2018-2022 Partners: CHRU-Lille, CHU-Reims, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KUL), IMT Lille Douai, Ulg Arlon, Materia-Nova, Université de Rems, UMONS, Univ. Lille (ORKAD Team), CHU Amiens, Eura-Santé

National contract

  • ANR ClinMine - Main coordinator of the project - 6 partners :EA 1046 (Maladie d’Alzheimer et pathologies vasculaires Faculté de Médecine, Lille), EA 2694 (Centre d’Etudes et de Recherche en Informatique Médicale - Faculté de Médecine, Lille), MODAL (INRIA LNE), Alicante (Entreprise), GHICL (Groupe Hospitalier de l’Institut Catholique de Lille).   2014-2017

Industrial contracts


  • Strat&Logic - 2012-2018 This collaboration aims at optimizing decisions in a business game.  The PhD thesis of Sylvain DUFOURNY was realized in this context.
  • Alicante (2010-2017) :
    1. PhD of Julie Jacques. Knowledge extraction by optimization methods for improving the process of inclusion in clinical trials (2013).
    2. PhD of Maxence Vandromme. (2017)

International Collaborations

Current International Collaboration

  • Meta-learner for fast parameter-free algorithms with Myriam Delgado -- University of Technology of Paraná (Brazil)  and Alex Freitas -- University of Kent (Canterbury, UK) 
  • MO-ParamILS: A Multi-objective Automatic Algorithm Configuration Framework with  Holger Hoos -- University of British Columbia (Vancouver, Canada/ Leiden, Netherland) and Heike Trautmann -- University of Münster (Germany)
  • Analyzis of Initialization methods in MOLS with Manuel López-Ibánez -- University of Manchester (UK) 
  • Adaptive multiobjective algorithms with Patrick De Causmaecker -- KUL (Belgium)

Former collaborations

  • Neutrality in multi-objective optimization: definitions and interpretations with Hernán Aguirre and Kyoshi Tanaka -- Shinshu University (Nagano, Japan)
  • Factoradics representation for permutation problems in local search algorithms with  Olivier Regnier-Coudert -- Robert Gordon University - RGU (Aberdeen, UK) 
  • General framework to configure single-objective local search algorithms automatically with Franco Mascia and Thomas Stützle -- Université Libre de Bruxelles (IRIDIA team, Belgium)  and Manuel López-Ibánez -- University of Manchester (UK)